The Visionary subTEXT [VST] Chapter 1 :: LA Culture Jam release was hosted by Project Butterfly in Downtown Los Angeles. Guests included close friends and contributors; an array of creatives: graffiti artists, musicians, djs, poets, producers, graphic artists, web developers, painters, clothing designers, stylists and more... The release of Chapter 1 :: LA Culture Jam had been long awaited.
As lights went off and guests found their seats, a loud sound of Tibetan trumpets infused by a cacophony of traffic sounds and news broadcasts opened the presentation. The VST experience had just begun.
Mike the Poet, acclaimed poet-historian-teacher, known for his vast and deep knowledge about the City of Angels followed the dissonance of sounds with a poetic introduction to the history of Los Angeles, which one can find written in the preface of VST's :: Chapter 1. From the Tongva and Chumash tribes to orange groves, guests were served a spoon full of knowledge and were just getting warmed up for what was to follow.
The VST :: Chapter 1 release was layered with live readings from the book by the author: D Miller, accompanied by projected visuals; pages and images from the book itself, sound recordings such as hawks screeching, music, traffic, public announcements, abstract recipes, and more... VST's Chapter 1 was alive! Guests were captivated by this new experience, an experience that opened their eyes, ears, minds, and possibly their souls.
D Miller has redefined "book reading". The presentation gave the viewers a peek inside the broad possibilities contained in VST. The book itself is hard to define as never before has there been one like it; combining facts, stats, fiction, graphics, and giving it a touch of spirituality that simply takes it to another level that many are yet to explore but will soon get the chance.
-Midori Takata
Putting together visuals and sounds:
Jun dialing the sound prior to the presentation:
el YEM assisting in making the guacamole
VST's Chapter One contains a dash of spirituality and so did the book's release. Peter Youngblood Hills sages the space and volunteers:
Emi M and Emily Batson:
Fresh Perspective table:
Mike the Poet and MEAR one
Ra volunteers to taste the homemade bean dip:
Black Bird amongst friends:
Mikiko and Master Zero:
Beautiful guests:
Mike the Poet doing what he does best: educating via poetics:
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